Breakout Poetry Concept Outline

Project Outline Breakout Poetry is a game about breaking blocks to form poems. Each block contains a word or phrase, which are added to a final poem. You break them via a ball and paddle, as in the iconic Breakout (Atari, Inc., 1976) as well as the later Arkanoid (Taito, 1986). Figure 1 and Figure 2 (end … More Breakout Poetry Concept Outline

01 — Poetry Generation and Misunderstandings

While developing the concepts the discourse with peers and tutors was quite broad compared to the concept itself. There was talk of things like the game reading the poem and generating the next word to be revealed to make sense, or connection words being automatically put into the poem according to grammatical rules. As I … More 01 — Poetry Generation and Misunderstandings

04 — Template, Iteration and Changes

So I used this free template from Daniel Buckley to get started: It’s really basic stuff, some of which I’ve stuck with and some of which I’ve had to remove/replace/improve. Paddle and ball movement was pretty straight forward. For vertical movement I used the same movement system as what was in place for horizontal … More 04 — Template, Iteration and Changes

05 — More Levels

I made the first level through quite a lot of iteration, but it still can produce some pretty nonsensical stuff, so I haven’t been as picky with subsequent ones. It’s still been quite hard picking words, however, both finding words that I like and figuring out which work together (changing positions lets me influence the … More 05 — More Levels